I do a Lot of Blog Visiting then my Site Goes Down | Sunday Summary #6

If you did a Top Ten Tuesday this week, then I probably visited your blog. All the visiting did cut into my reading time though (so I did relistens of my favorite stuff). My blog was down for awhile, which made me sad.


The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.

Check out my Active Giveaway


After a lackluster week previously, I went kind of nuts visiting & commenting. I visited every Top Ten Tuesday list that had linked up by the time I checked it out (do you know how many that is?). I commented on almost all of them (and left a link to my post) and then Booklikes went down for over 8 hours. I was so frustrated I wanted to cry. I am seriously considering changing platform, but I don't want to lose my design and I have $0 for the project. Anyway, if you tried to visit me this week and it timed out, I'm back.


During the visiting frenzy, I also found and have been inspired by this post Share the Love by Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot and the post she was inspired by How to Be Kind to Book Bloggers by Cait @ Paper Fury and will try to expand my participation in the blogging community beyond just comments & my Exploring Cyberspace section below. This will have to be a gradual thing, since there are so many other things I am trying to do also.


My discussion on audiobooks for children inspired this great post @ Falconer's Library about her students' preferred reading formats. She made me think about how, when I was younger, I used to prefer regular books also. It was only when I grew up and life kept trying to interfere with my reading that I really got into audiobooks.

Last Week on GMB

Next Week on GMB

    • TUE: New Audiobook Releases
    • WED: The Hidden Masters of Marandur | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★★ YA cross-genre adventure
    • THU: Critical Elements in Designing a Post Index? | My Musings
    • SAT: Reboot | Review - ★★★★ YA Dystopian Science Fiction
    • SUN: Sunday Summary #7

Exploring Cyberspace

From my Feed (recent articles/posts):

"I’ve been asked several times from people who either new to audiobooks or haven’t started yet, “What is Whispersync?” Well, it is when a Kindle book is synced with a professionally narrated Audible audiobook."

This is just the bookworm trying to be polite and not overly needy. It 100% translates to “I absolutely need a bookshelf, I have zero percent of room left. This is actually AN EMERGENCY SITUATION BECAUSE I CAN’T EVEN SEE MY FLOOR ANYMORE.” When your bookworm utters this phrase do not, and I repeat DO NOT respond with “get rid of books then” because you will die and do you want to make your poor little resident bookworm responsible for murder??? Be considerate. Safety first. Buy them a shelf.

"1. Makes me understand people better

Without reading I wouldn't know how it feels if you're living with a disability, what it's like losing someone to cancer, what it's like having OCD, what it's like having to be in a wheelchair all the time...reading makes me understand people. People can be quite confusing but books are like a...people translator (I like that, yes). This is why I believe reading is so fundamental in order for the world to be a more harmonized, empathetic."

Reading Update

Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.


I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews (plus a lot of favorite stuff I'm not including):

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


In Progress:

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


Up Next

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


Other Acquisitions

(Hover over cover to read description)

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.

All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).


All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.

Buy | +GR


Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.


Talk to Me (pretty please)

  • How do you balance reading with blogging?
  • What do your readers do that makes you feel most connected to them?
  • What do the blogs you read do that makes you feel most connected to them?
  • If you are a fellow Booklikeser, do you use another blog as backup? If so, which platform?


  • If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?
  • I recently debuted my redesigned blog. What do you think?

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