I Reached a Blogger Milestone | Sunday Summary #3

I received (and accepted) my first real Review Request but otherwise spent limited time online, since I had family in town.


The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.

As I said above, I received my first legitimate review request this week, and accepted it. I would like to give a shout-out to author E.J. Stevens, who read My Policies and followed the instructions! You can see the books I received below.


I also posted my 1st ★★★★★ (5 star) Review for the blog this week. Although it isn't an "old" favorite, the whole series has stayed my current "most favorite" through multiple relistens. If you read SFF and/or YA, please give it a look.


So, despite the fact that having family staying at my house and then going together to my sister's house cut into my online time, it was a great week.

Last Week on GMB

Next Week on GMB

    • TUE: Stars, a Sorcerer, and Shadows | New Audiobook Releases
    • WED: The Practice Effect | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★ Science Fiction
    • THU: A Discussion
    • SAT: The Iron Trial | Review - ★★★★ MG Contemporary Fantasy
    • SUN: Sunday Summary #4

Exploring Cyberspace

From my Feed (recent articles/posts):

"But when I read, I don’t feel lonely anymore.


More than half of the time, it’s because of the escape a story offers. The hope, the wonderment, the differing views on one situation, the rainbow of feelings that you can get from black ink on paper. It’s that feeling of living vicariously through a character, no matter if the conflict of the story is trying to raise a rebellion against a government or figuring out how to cope with their friends leaving the neighborhood. It’s that feeling of, “Hey, I totally get what this character is going through! And I’m glad I’m not alone.” Because sometimes books put into words things that people might not want to share, or don’t have the ability to."

Oldies But Goodies:

"And we knew that Edmund loved that Turkish delight so much that he put his siblings and the entire land of Narnia in harm's way in exchange for more. (To be fair, it was enchanted. But still, Edmund. Still.) So we wound up imagining whatever we would have liked best. It was like looking into Harry Potter's Mirror of Erised, but for desserts: when you thought of a treat worth betraying your family for, what did you see? Turkish Delight was our collective candy id."

New Review Copies

Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.


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Other Acquisitions

(Hover over cover to read description)

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.

All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).


Audiobook from this summer's Sync program. (If you are reading this before 7am, Eastern US time, on 5/26/16 this audiobook is still FREE here)

Buy | +GR


Some of the Kindle books I acquired.


Talk to Me (pretty please)

  • If you are a blogger, how do you work around having visitors at your house?
  • Any tips, beyond blogging ahead, for keeping up with things when you travel elsewhere?
  • If you read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe before you knew, what did you imagine Turkish Delight to be?


  • If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?
  • I recently debuted my redesigned blog. What do you think?

Got My Book Signature



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