I Interview an Audie Winner | Sunday Summary #5

I interview an Audie winner, don't get to comment as much, pick up too many free books, and finally get approved as an Amazon Associate.


The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.

Happy Audiobook Month


I am thrilled to announce that Vikas Adam, who won this year's Audie Award in the Fantasy category, granted me an interview. The interview will be available next week as part of my review of Nice Dragons Finish Last, the book for which he won the award. In addition, he arranged for me to receive a copy from Audible to be given away to one of my readers. More details will be available on Wednesday.


This was a week in which my family came back through and stayed with me on their way home. I wasn't able to visit very many blogs to comment. I find that I already miss it; my inbox seems lonely without all the comment response notifications.


Thursday my allergies were bothering me a lot, I had a headache, and generally was feeling all whiny and unable to concentrate. So I decided to scroll through free Kindle books on Amazon to see if there were any interesting ones that I didn't have yet. Thus, my haul is a bit bigger than usual. You can blame the pollen carrying wind.


Then on Friday on received an email saying that my Amazon Associates application had been approved. I was thrilled. Not because of the money, which isn't much, although I am grateful to anyone who uses my links to make a purchase.  But because I had previously been rejected, for a small error in my application which they never gave me an opportunity to fix, and had had to reapply. It was a nightmare, because you have to get a new referral code and then open every page and post where you had used the old referral code and change it. I have lived in fear since submitting my new application, since I did not want to have to do that again.

Last Week on GMB

Next Week on GMB

    • TUE: New Audiobook Releases
    • WED: Nice Dragons Finish Last | Review + Narrator Interview - ★★★★ NA Dystopian Fantasy
    • WED: Giveaway: Nice Dragons Finish Last Audiobook
    • THU: Critical Elements in Designing a Post Index? | My Musings
    • SAT: The Grimm Legacy | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★ MG Contemporary Fantasy
    • SUN: Sunday Summary #6

Exploring Cyberspace

From my Feed (recent articles/posts):

"June is Audiobook Month, and we’re celebrating with this exclusive video of Stephen King gushing adorably about why he hearts audiobooks!"
"What I’ve been brooding about is why it would be necessary to identify the country in these books. Are they windows into a different culture, mirrors for children of that culture, or are they simply stories that happen to be set somewhere else? "

Reading Update

Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.


I re-listened to the following in preparation for next week's review:

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

I read the following for the first time: Pirates of Pacta Servanda (See "Wishlist Purchases" below)

Buy | +GR


In Progress:

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


Up Next

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


Wishlist Purchase

I bought the following for $1.99 with a Whispersync discount. I am thrilled to say that, although I am a chronic series dropper, I am waiting impatiently for #5 (which comes out on audio on 7/1/16).


The Pillars of Reality, Book #4: The Pirates of Pacta Servanda

By: Jack Campbell / Narrator: MacLeod Andrews / Pub: Audible Studios / Length: HH:MM

"Master Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain have survived every attempt to stop them, but their enemies are determined to kill Mari, the only one who can save her world from a storm of destruction. As armies begin to gather and cities seethe with tension, Mari, Alain, and their friends must prepare to confront the storm in the place it first appeared: the broken kingdom of Tiae."

Other Acquisitions

(Hover over cover to read description)

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.

All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).


All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.


Talk to Me (pretty please)

  • Do you ever indulge in "retail therapy" (shopping to feel better)?
  • Why do you seek out Diverse books?


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  • I recently debuted my redesigned blog. What do you think?

Got My Book Signature



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