I Read Too Much | Sunday Summary #15
How can you read too much you say? You can when you end up behind on everything else. / I am making some progress on learning Twitter.
The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.
I had an extra day off this week and went a little nuts with my reading. But that means that I got behind on writing posts (and also on unimportant things like laundry, dishes, etc).
Last Week on GMB
- SUN: I Finish a Series | Sunday Summary #13
- MON: How Many Topics Can I Do at the Same Time | TTT - this was a last minute unscheduled post that I couldn't resist doing (and the answer is 3)
- TUE: Dark, Defiant, Doom | New Audiobook Releases - If I ever decide to become an author, I call dibs on this as a book title
- WED: Parenting Done (Mostly) Right | See Me - ★★★★ YA Contemporary Fantasy
- THU: Oh the Horrors ... or Not: Spoilers | My Musings
- SAT: Good Enough to Go On: True of Blood | Review - ★★★★ YA Contemporary Fantasy
Next Week on GMB
- TUE: New Audiobook Releases
- WED: The Wrath of the Great Guilds | Review - ★★★★½ YA Action-Adventure Dystopian Paranormal Romance Science Fiction (it's the last one, so I had to list them all)
- THU: But I Wanted You to Have a Normal Life | My Musings
- SAT: The Poe Estate | Review - ★★★★ MG Contemporary Fantasy
- SUN: Sunday Summary #16
Exploring Cyberspace
- "On the Lack of Chronic Illness Rep in YA" by Ava Jae @ Writability (Thanks to Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee for the link)
"This is the message we’re giving our chronically ill kids: your stories are only worth telling if you die or have a miracle.
This is the message we’re giving our chronically ill kids: you can only be happy if you aren’t Sick.
This is the message we’re giving our able-bodied kids: Sick kids are Tragic Figures there to teach you to Appreciate Your Lives."
- "When Does a Negative Opinion Cross a Line?" @ Kourtni Reads
"The reason I’m writing this post is to remind people that your opinion is not going to be universal and you shouldn’t expect it to be nor should you try to force people to hold the same opinion you have. It’s okay to have a negative opinion of something or to not be excited for something that a lot of other people are looking forward to. It’s not okay to try to ruin that excitement or those positive feelings for other people."
Reading Update
Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.
I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews [all counted for the Rereadathon, which continues next week as well]:
I read/listened to the following for the first time:
In Progress:
Up Next
Received For Review
Thanks to Red Mountain Shadows Publishing:
Other Acquisitions
(Hover over cover to read description)
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.
All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).
All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.
Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.
Talk to Me (pretty please)
- Do you ever read several books in the same day?
- What would you like to see represented more in YA or other fiction?
- If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?
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