I Create a Series Index | Sunday Summary #11
Not a very exciting week, but I did get a Series Index up and running .
The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.
Last month I wrote about creating a post index (for non-review posts), but not very many people seemed to think it was even necessary. So, for now, I will stick to tagging my various kinds of features and having a tag index.
But I did create a different index instead. As I am posting new reviews each week, I am starting to have multiple reviews from the same series. I wanted to include links to all the available related items in each review (same author, same narrator, same series), but the way I was trying to do it would require me to edit each review in a series every time I published a new one. That's way too much work. So instead, I have begun using HTML anchors in the Author & Narrator Indexes and I created a Series Index.
So while I will have to update the first review I do in a series, once I have posted a second, after that the anchor link will always go to the up-to-date Indexes. I am excited by this change. I just have one question - If you saw that the series name was a link, would you know that this means there are other reviews available?
Do you read YA? Do you also struggle to find time to exercise? Check out this healthy alternative to drinking games from Becca and Books.
Last Week on GMB
- SUN: I Do My First Guest Post | Sunday Summary #10
- TUE: Obsidian, 2 Omegas, & an Odyssey | New Audiobook Releases
- WED: Gets Better as it Goes Along: Awake | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★ YA Contemporary Fantasy (Retelling)
- THU: Love It or DNF It: Living with Chronic TBR Overflow (Pt 3) | My Musings
- SAT: Now SF Too: The Disappearance of Ember Crow | Review - ★★★★ YA SciFi Paranormal Dystopia
Next Week on GMB
- TUE: New Audiobook Releases
- WED: The Pirates of Pacta Servanda | Review - ★★★★½ YA Genre bender
- THU: Love & Friendship: Ten Swoon-worthy Moments | My Musings
- SAT: The Copper Gauntlet | Review - ★★★★ MG Contemporary Fantasy
- SUN: Sunday Summary #12
Exploring Cyberspace
- "Dos and Don’ts of Audiobooks" by Shar @ Virtually Read (thanks to Lila @ The Bookkeeper's Secrets for the link)
"DO listen to your audiobook and hide if being forced to do the dishes/sweep the floor/tidy your room is a possibility. That way, you have an excuse when questioned about your chore-dodging."
- "The Lord of the Rings: A Story of Sacrifice & Bravery" by Stephanie @ Chasm of Books (thanks to Pages Unbound Reviews for the link)
"But I am also a person who is awed by the beauty of this world. I am inspired by the beautiful talents people offer and share. There is a fantastic amount of good in this world and I know it can be easy to forget that, but in the words of Samwise the Brave, there’s some good in this world and it’s worth fighting for."
- "How to Read When the World Is Terrible" by Jessica Woodbury @ Book Riot
"When awful things are happening all over the news and your Facebook feed, sometimes books are exactly what you need. But how do you choose what to read when you’re feeling fragile or angry or depressed or confused? There are lots of ways to use reading to help you conquer or confront your difficult feelings, and there’s no one right way. Here are some suggestions of what to read and how it can help you."
Reading Update
Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.
I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews:
I read/listened to the following for the first time:
Up Next
From the Library
Other Acquisitions
(Hover over cover to read description)
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.
All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).
All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.
Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.
Talk to Me (pretty please)
- Do you use Indexes when visiting a Blog?
- What are your favorite books when you just want to block out the world?
- If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?
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