Critical Elements in Designing a Post Index? | My Musings

**Today's Question: What do you like to see in an Index for non-review posts?**

The 2016 Discussion Challenge is hosted by Nicole @Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @It Starts At Midnight. “So often book bloggers mean to post more discussions on our blogs, but we just don’t quite get around to it. Well, we wanted to give everyone a little motivation to keep the discussions going, plus give us a place to link up our discussions so that more people will see our precious words of wisdom (or … you know … our GIF-filled rants).”

One of the topics for last month's Conversations (hosted by Geraldine @ Corralling Books & Joan @ Fiddler Blue) was, "What are the essential things the blogs you follow have to have?" I did not participate, but it did get me thinking about something I consider essential for a blog, which my own blog does not currently have: an index for non-review posts.


When I find a new blog, especially if I come across it through a discussion post or tutorial, the first thing I look for is an Index. I can get by if they have a small well-managed category list; but if all they have is a tag cloud or calendar based index , I almost always give up.


So why doesn't my blog have one? I have actually been planning to do one, but can't decide on a format. I don't have access to any plug-ins, so I will have to build it manually. But should it be chronological, topical, a combination, or one of each? If I do topical, what categories should I use and what if a post is more than one category? How do I group any posts are part of a series? ???


As you can see, I have been going round and round and resolving nothing. So I decided to write this post and ask for some input.

  • Do you consider an Index to be essential?
  • If so, what kind do you prefer?
  • If you are a blogger, do you have an Index?
  • What kind? (Feel free to paste its URL into the comments. Note: The comments system doesn't allow you to use HTML, so please just paste the plain URL.)
  • Any other thoughts on the subject?


P.S. For now you can check my Tag Index to see my Features.

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