I Prepare for a Very Busy Month | Sunday Summary #22
With Blog Ahead, the CYBILS, and Virtual Fantasy Con in October I have been very busy getting ready. Thankfully I have some extra time off this month.
The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.
The Good:
Cybils nominations have opened. If you have a favorite Children's, MG, or YA book that was published in the last 12 months, please consider nominating it. (The audiobooks category is MG only for this, the first, year.) For more information, see the shiny new "2016 Cybils Awards" option on the far right of my Menu above.
The Bad: I wasn't able to draft as many posts as I had hoped yesterday, since Booklikes was really slow. / I have a huge stack of dirty dishes, and another of clean laundry, that I really have to quit ignoring.
Still Seeking: Non-erotic Shifter books/series recommendations (see the Mon post below for the link with more information).
Blog Ahead (October 2016)
(hover over image for details / click to go to sign-up)
Reviews | Other | |
Started with: | 3 |
2 |
Goals (for Oct | for Later): |
9 | 24 | 2 | 6 |
Progress: | Coming | Soon |
On GMB: Last week
- SUN: I Become a Cybils Judge | Sunday Summary #21
- MON: Lions, Tigers, and Bears: Seeking Shifters | My Musings
- TUE: My Favorite Adult Discworld Book: Going Postal | Review - ★★★★½ Fantasy
- WED: Bloodsword, Bone, Beggar | New Audiobook Releases
- THU: The Greaser & the Ghostwhisperer: Slow Dance in Purgatory | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★ YA Paranormal
- SAT: Molly, Majordomo, and the Minions: Castle Hangnail | Review + Author Interview - ★★★★ MG Fantasy
On GMB: Coming Up
- MON: Booklikes/Goodreads: Creating Community (Pt 3) | My Musings
- TUE: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Review - ★★★★ Science Fiction
- WED: New Audiobook Releases
- THU: Blood Prophecy | Review - ★★★★ YA Fantasy
- SAT: Crash Landing | Review - ★★★★ MG Science Fiction
- SUN: Sunday Summary #23
VFC starts next Sunday. There will be a Blog Hop (I will be participating), daily event & genre related booths, and lots of prizes. Those of you who like Cosplay, can join the daily contents. And authors will be posting special sales. My booths are (these are general links for the day, I will post my specific booth links on Twitter & Facebook on the days): Mon (10/10): Science Fiction / Tues (10/11): Fairytales / Sun (10/15): Children's SFF
Exploring Cyberspace
"The same way we all have potholes, we all have positive triggers that can point us + our day in the right direction. If you can figure out what your positive triggers are – a super quick workout, a screen-free meal, time outside – you can lovingly force yourself to do them FOR JUST 10 EVER-LOVING MINUTES and change the rest of your day."
Reading: Update
Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.
I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews:
Reading: Up Next
Acquired: Won
Acquired: Freebies
(Hover over cover to read description)
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.
Note: these books may or may not still be free (please verify before purchasing).
All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.
Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.
*Whispersync price (subject to change). Must purchase Audible version after obtaining a Kindle copy to get the discount.
Talk to Me (pretty please)
- If you read books for teens or younger children, have you nominated a favorite for the Cybils yet?
- What's your favorite time management/productivity tip?
- If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?
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