I Change my Posting Schedule | Sunday Summary #18

As promised previously, I will now be doing three reviews a week instead of two.


The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.

In addition to increasing the number of reviews I do, I have made or will be making a number of other changes. The majority will be announced in connection with Bloggiesta, which starts on the 15th.

Last Week on GMB

Next Week on GMB

    • MON: Tackling Twitter: Creating Community (Pt2) | My Musings
    • TUE: The Course of Empire | Review - ★★★★ Science Fiction
    • WED: New Audiobook Releases
    • THU: Ella, the Slayer | Review - ★★★½ YA Historical Fantasy (with zombies)
    • SAT: Into the Land of the Unicorns | Review - ★★★★  MG Fantasy
    • SUN: Sunday Summary #19

Exploring Cyberspace

"8. An understanding of AP classes, the SAT/ACT, SAT subject tests, etc.

So often, I’ll be reading a book and a character will go to “AP History.” It seems like a minor thing, but it jars me out of the story. There are at least three different classes that could be called “AP History,” and when the author doesn’t pick one, it gives me the impression that they haven’t talked to HS student in years.

There’s also a financial side of standardized tests that should be looked at. If your character is poor, talk about how expensive these tests are, how complicated getting fee waivers can be, and how frustrating it is to be competing with people who can buy prep books and classes without blinking an eye."

"So I'm here today to say that yes, I'm a blogger, but don't ask me about my follower count.

Instead, ask me about how I got into book blogging, how I stumbled upon one YA review site back in December of my eighth grade year, how I found several more from there, how I made a list of blogs to check daily. Ask me how, when I first decided to start my own blog, I got nervous and deleted my first post before trying again and putting it back up."

Reading Update

Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.


I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews:

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I read/listened to the following for the first time:

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In Progress:

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Up Next

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Received for Review

A special thanks to author Roxanne Smolen for reading My Policies and following the instructions in offering this book:

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From the Library

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Other Acquisitions

(Hover over cover to read description)

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.

All books were free unless otherwise stated (and may or may not still be free).


All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.

Buy | +GR

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Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.


Talk to Me (pretty please)

  • Are you planning to participate in Bloggiesta?
  • What part(s) of real life do you wish authors would talk about more?


  • If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?

Got My Book Signature


Aug 28, 2016

Got My Book

"I Just Keep Swimming"

Aug 14, 2016

Got My Book

"I Read Too Much"

Aug 7, 2016

Got My Book

"I Finish a Series"


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