My Priority TBR Overfloweth | Sunday Summary #26

Sadly only one publisher submitted additional audiobooks for the Cybils Awards, but it was still over a dozen new books.

The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer, is a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Caution: Her site has sidebar ads that sometimes contain cover images which may be offensive to some.

Our final count of eligible books for this year's Cybils is 48. Thankfully we aren't each required to read every book. I will be starting my main reading push this coming week. (Note: I decided not to list all the books I am getting from the library each week, since I have over a dozen so far.)


In other news, I am not going to meet my (very ambitious) Blog Ahead goals entirely, but I hope by the end (Monday night) to have finished 4 more reviews and 1 more "Other" posts. So far I have written 28 posts (13 of which were for October & 15 for Nov/Dec).


Important blogging news this week: Changes are coming to BEA. Read the official announcement.

Blog Ahead (October 2016)

(hover over image for details / click to go to sign-up)

  Reviews    Other
Started with:
Goals (for Oct | for Later):  
8 | 26 5 | 4
Progress: 8 | 14 5 | 1

On GMB: Last week

On GMB: Coming Up

    • MON: Thoughts that Think Themselves | Rants & Raves
    • TUE: The Crucible of Empire | Review - ★★★★ Adult SciFi
    • WED: New Audiobook Releases
    • THU: Review - YA Fantasy
    • SAT: Only You Can Save Mankind | Review - ★★★★ MG SciFi
    • SUN: Sunday Summary #27

Exploring Cyberspace

"But maybe there’s another point, and maybe that point is this: respect the fact that the audiobook is a different work of art than the novel you wrote. This means understanding that the narrator isn’t just a necessary but otherwise interchangeable piece. They’re someone who brings a different artistic sensibility to the project, and that is just as important in this context as who the director hires to deliver that Hamlet soliloquy."
"Looking at her client list, I found other authors I love, authors who have been on my to-read list forever, and a few names that are completely unfamiliar. All of the ones I haven’t yet read have since moved up my TBR, and many books by authors whose books I don’t already have were added to my Buy Soon list. They might not have anything in common in style, genre, or audience, but I do know one thing: K. Nelson and I apparently have very similar reading likes, and I am going to follow her trail."

Reading: Update

Disclosure: Clicking & making a purchase from any section below may result in a small commission for me.


I re-listened to the following in preparation for upcoming reviews:

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR

Buy | +GR


In Progress:

Buy | +GR


Reading: Up Next

Buy | +GR


Acquired: Freebies

(Hover over cover to read description)

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, I have not read these books and thus can't give content warnings.

Note: these books may or may not still be free (please verify before purchasing).


All the Kindle books I acquired that have Audible versions available.

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $2.99

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $1.99

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $2.99

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $1.99

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $1.99

"Buy" | +GR

WS* = $1.99


Some of the other Kindle books I acquired.


*Whispersync price (subject to change). Must purchase Audible version after obtaining a Kindle copy to get the discount.

Talk to Me (pretty please)

  • If you participated in Blog Ahead, how have you done?
  • Who do you follow in addition to favorite authors & bloggers?


  • If you are a first time visitor, how did you discover my blog?

Got My Book Signature


Oct 16, 2016

Got My Book

"I'm Finally Fed Up"

Oct 9, 2016

Got My Book

"I Am Disappointed"


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