Yes/No? Blocking gifs on Goodreads | My Musings + Tutorial

**Today's Question: Do you like reading gif reviews? Why or why not?**

 2016 Discussion Challenge

The 2016 Discussion Challenge is hosted by Nicole @Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @It Starts At Midnight. “So often book bloggers mean to post more discussions on our blogs, but we just don’t quite get around to it. Well, we wanted to give everyone a little motivation to keep the discussions going, plus give us a place to link up our discussions so that more people will see our precious words of wisdom (or … you know … our GIF-filled rants).”

This discussion/tutorial was inspired by a conversation I had with Jen the Bookavid in the comments of her post: I Only Read Negative Reviews on Goodreads.


In the post, she said:

Even if I like a book it's just hilarious to me to see people freak out about little things, sometimes add 400 gifs of people throwing tables.

I strongly dislike (hate is such an ugly word) gif reviews. So much so that I did some research and figured out how to block all those gifs without blocking the reviews (or the cover images).


3 Reasons I Wanted Them to "Just Go Away"

  • They can cause the page to load slowly.
  • They take up a lot of space and you have to keep scrolling to get to more text (which is what I am interested in).
  • The animated ones keep playing over and over and over. (Maybe I am just too easily distracted, but I have trouble reading the text with gifs flashing in my face).


Do you agree or disagree? If you think they are great, please tell me why. If you agree with me that they are awful, did I miss any points on why?

Well, it turns out that Jen also dislikes them and was interested in knowing how to block them. After telling her, I realized that there might be more of you out there who would like to know. Here are the fairly simple instructions for anyone who has AdBlock Plus.


Blocking gifs on Goodreads using AdBlock Plus

  • Open the ADP Menu and click on "Filter Preferences"
  • Click on "Custom Filters" (tab on the top left)
  • Select "Add Filter" (button on the top right)
  • Enter *gr-assets(dot)com/hostedimages* [the * are very important & you'll need to change the (dot) to . obviously] and press Enter
  • If you want to block the non-animated images also, add *photo.goodreads(dot)com/hostedimages* too

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